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Join the thousands of commercial real estate professionals around the country who read Business Real Estate Weekly every week for its independent research, accurate reporting and timely coverage of the Arizona real estate market.
Business Real Estate Weekly (BREW) is a tip sheet highlighting business and real estate activity in Arizona. Founded in 1995, BREW is a weekly newsletter publication focusing on new residential and commercial developments, the sale of income-producing properties and businesses relocating or expanding in Arizona.
We offer two subscription types: Print + Online and Online-Only:
Print + Online Subscription
With a print subscription, you receive 50 printed issues delivered by mail every week. You also receive online access to! This includes a web-based, real-time view of the current issue, our weekly online Emagazine and the fully searchable BREW archives from 1995 to present. Our new and improved archives includes advanced search functions as well as keyword searches to customize your research. Each print subscription also includes a free, custom, 3-ring BREW binder to store your issues.
Business Real Estate Weekly is published 50 weeks per year.
We do not publish the last week of December or the first week of January.
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Online-Only Subscription
With an online-only subscription to Business Real Estate Weekly you receive all of the information that comes in every printed issue of BREW and much more. This reduced rate subscription includes a web-based, real-time view of the current issue, our weekly online Emagazine and the fully searchable BREW archives from 1995 to present with an advanced search function and keyword search capabilities to customize your research.
For multiple subscriber discounted rates, email [email protected] or call (480) 905-0500.
To see Corporate Subscription rates CLICK HERE
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Business Real Estate Weekly, Inc. is the publisher of Business Real Estate Weekly (BREW), a tip sheet newsletter that covers business and real estate activity in Arizona. Founded in 1995, BREW is a weekly publication focusing on new residential and commercial developments, the sale of income-producing properties and businesses relocating or expanding in Arizona. For those looking to have cutting edge information at their fingertips, BREW is the publication business professionals use to get the latest in commercial and residential real estate news in Arizona. Known for it's accurate, timely and independently researched information, BREW has been called "The Bible" for its detailed, first hand reporting on business and real estate deals in Arizona. With more than 23 years of stories and news items in our archives, Business Real Estate Weekly has the longest period of chronicled history of all business and real estate news sources in the Valley. With the newly-added multiple search capabilities in our archives, BREW is a must have for anyone researching real estate in Arizona or simply following the market.